The doula is the person who carries, supports, helps the parents during labor and postpartum outside of the medical aspect of the birthing process. The doula shares a special connection with the family.
As a labor and delivery nurse, I enjoy working with doulas, they make my work easier. They help me answer the families' needs better and faster.
As an IBCLC I love working with PP Doulas, they often are the ones noticing and calling for help with breastfeeding issues.
It is the world doula week and I wanted to acknowledge their work, patience, and dedication.
Don't underestimate their powers, they can/may :
-Reduces the incidence of c-sections
-May shorten the length of labor
-Reduces epidural and analgesic requests
-Increases breastfeeding initiation and continuation
-Increases mother’s satisfaction of birth experience
-Can reduce the incidence of postpartum mood disorders
-Increases new parents’ confidence in the care of their newborn.
As I always say :
"I strongly believe in teamwork to deliver the best care to the patients and their families"